Month: May 2019

Dreaming of Leafy Hints

I use the leafy hints and suggested matches at for the occasional clue, particularly if it is someone in whom I have a peripheral interest or if I’m trying to get quick “background information” on, etc. But they are used as potential clues simply to save me the time of searching those databases separately. […]


Tips and Tricks of Deciphering German Handwriting: A Translator’s Tricks of the Trade for Transcribing German Genealogy Documents

Tips and Tricks of Deciphering German Handwriting: A Translator’s Tricks of the Trade for Transcribing German Genealogy Documents by Katherine Schober first came out in 2018 and I’m just now adding it to my library of German-based research books. We’ll have some commentary on the book when it arrives, but I’m hoping it comes in […]
