About this Blog:
Rootdig has no sponsor and does not want one. Rootdig does not copy/paste press releases or accept any submitted posts. What you see typed in our posts comes from our fingertips, not the control V command. This is not one of those blogs where posts often vibrate with excitement over the latest new genealogical website, gizmo, or gadget. If I don’t use it or think it’s worth using, I don’t suggest buying it or using it. Many times I won’t even write about it. We also occasionally slip into the third person. You have been warned.About Me:
I have researched my own genealogy since the early 1980s and my children’ s ancestry since shortly before their birth. These families cover most US states east of the Mississippi as well as Iowa, Nebraska, and Missouri–including Mayflower immigrants and mid-17th century Virginians. In addition to the early immigrants, over half of their ancestors immigrated to the United States in the mid-19th century. Ethnic origins of my children are roughly as follows:- 1/4 Ostfriesen
- 1/16 Irish
- 1/16 Belgian
- 1/16 French-Canadian
- 3/32 German
- 1/32 Swiss
- the rest are generally from the United Kingdom with another German, Frenchmen, or Dutchman thrown in the mix.