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62 Responses

  1. Ann Mohr Osisek says:

    Keep me subscribed please.

  2. Janice says:

    Please keep me subscribed.

  3. David Archibald says:

    Please keep me on the list

  4. Paula Atwell says:

    Thanks for all you do.

  5. susan jones says:

    Great information from Rootdig. Thanks for email.

  6. Jyl Peterson says:

    Are you related to the Ufkes that live in Bellingham, Wa. ? I worked for a Roger Ufkes back in 1978

    • mjnrootdig says:

      Not to the best of my knowledge as I don’t think his family is from the Ufkes who settled in Hancock County, Illinois–which is where mine settled.

  7. JF Guinn says:

    Thank you very much for all your posts!!!

  8. Larry says:

    I am having a problem unsubscribing from your lists.

  9. Tami Sheppard says:

    You will see that I ‘unsubscribed’ just wanting to let you know I’m only CHANGING email addresses so I ‘subscribed’ as [removed by administrator to reduce spam] Thanks for all the great posts!

  10. Megan says:

    I only want to receive the weekly blog as I just don’t have time to access everything on a daily basis.
    It looks almost as if it is an all or nothing proposition. Looks like I have to unsubscribe to each but not
    the weekly one……………………..correct? I would hate to lose this valuable resource.

  11. Sandra Roe says:

    I really appreciate receiving the interesting articles you post. Like others weekly is all l can manage these days.
    Although l live in Australia & so much is different,
    there is enough general advice for me to learn so please keep sending to me.
    I have recently discovered that some of the English ancestors went to USA and others to Australia. So some of your articles could be even more value in the future. Thankyou.

  12. Gene Wineland says:

    Micheal, I’m wanting to subscribe only to your weekly blog because I can’t keep up with your many valuable posts. (I don’t know how one person can “output” all the material you produce from “daily tips” to weekly blogs, and everything between.) . What a wealth of knowledge I’ve learned from you including your webinars.

    I will now go to an unsubscribe screen and try to unsubscribe from everything except the weekly blog. If I get “stumped”, I’ll email you.

    Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do for your followers — beginners to advance genealogists!!

  13. Merlyn Cardoso says:

    This is a terrific website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you soooooooooo much!!!

  14. Sharon Grow says:

    Please keep me subsribed.

    I keep getting the notices I need to re-subscribe and reply to the e-mail. When I try submit the re-subscribe section I get a notice that I have already done it. But never get an e-mail.

  15. Susan A Montelius says:

    I am currently subscribed to Root Dig and want to remain so. Please keep me subscribed. Thank you

  16. Cindy says:

    Please keep me subscribed. Thank you.

  17. Merlyn Cardoso says:

    Please keep me subscribed!!!!!

  18. Jean Stilwell says:


  19. Sheryl Meadows says:

    Hopefully I am ok.

  20. Audrey Stetson says:

    Please keep me subscribed.

  21. Judy Kurtz says:

    It keeps saying welcome back and my gmail account….which I never use! I put in the charter email that I do use, and then it says it can’t find my subscription.

  22. Audrey Nemeth says:

    I’ve just started subscribing to your tips and really enjoy them! Please keep m subscribed!

  23. Carol Artebrry says:

    Please keep me subscribed. Whenever you have given a program within a 2 hr drive from my location I have tryed my best to attend, have enjoyed your classes given in the past at the college, you hve amazing knowledge which you pass on in a most enjoyable manner. Thank you for all the help you are to everyone.

    • mjnrootdig says:

      Thanks for your kind words Carol. I really appreciate it.
      If you are not receiving the messages–please let me know.

  24. Elaine Deutsch says:

    Please keep me subscribed. Thanks for all your work!

  25. Deborah L. Jamerson says:

    Please keep me subscribed

  26. Yvonne Scholz says:

    Keep me on the list please, thanks

  27. Marci says:

    Please keep me subscribed.
    Thank you

  28. Louise Hansonl says:

    Please keep me subscribed. Thank you.

  29. Kathryn Schultz says:

    Please keep me subscribed. Thanks.

  30. Dee Karnia says:

    Keep me on your list please and thank you.

  31. rebecca snow says:

    please keep me on i like the little tib-bits

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