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 $75   (order here

We’ve converted my online AncestryDNA class into a self-contained series of lectures and handouts that you can view at your leisure. There is no “attendance.” Download and view at your convenience. Presentations can be viewed as many times as you want. You can order without using PayPal by choosing to pay with other debit or credit card.

Class duration

There are five presentations that are a part of this series. You will get presentations and handouts to download. Download links are sent manually–please wait 24 hours to begin receiving your links.


  • Understanding what can and cannot be learned from the AncestryDNA test
  • Strategies for “figuring out” people who do not return communication
  • Probability of relationship based on shared DNA and relationship scenarios not presented
  • Downloading AncestryDNA matches into an Excel spreadsheet and working with those matches and that spreadsheet
  • Determining what matches you want to try and figure out
  • Tracking results and findings
  • Problem-solving
  • Looking at the results when the grandfather was an adoptee who wasn’t the birth father of one of his children
  • Analyzing tree for ethnic/geographic pools
  • Sorting matches that can’t be determined specifically
  • Keeping your list of matches up to date

This is the general order of topics. Our goal is to present material so that it can be understood, not see how fast I can talk. All topics will be covered.

These sessions will include different examples than were used in the webinars and assumes that students already have a working knowledge of DNA and basic match analysis.


  • You have received your completed AncestryDNA results.
  • A general understanding of autosomal DNA-“While Waiting” will help with this and registrants will be given links to sites with additional information a few weeks before the class starts.
  • A genealogy tree that is at least partially complete–you are not required to upload your tree and attach it to your results.

Before starting to watch the presentations:


You do not need to order the other presentations to order the class. The four separate presentations are helpful to get you started with your results if you have not already done that, but they do not need to be purchased. We just do not want you utilize the class without having some background (even if it’s minimal).
