As always, if you have ordered one of these and have not received it, please email me.

“Using” has millions of free images of genealogical material, including:
  • National Archives microfilm from the Allen County Public Library
  • Thousands of books from the Allen County Public Library
  • USGS maps
  • County histories from across the United States
These items can be viewed for free and downloaded in the entirety for personal research use. Learn how to find, use, and interact with materials on this site. Handout included.  Download is $8.

“Preserving Past You”

In this session, we see ways to preserve your genealogical legacy beyond your own lifetime. We will look at a variety of options, large and small, digital and non-digital, simple and not-so-simple, and more.  Prioritizing what to save will be an integral part of this presentation. We will see why preserving is more than a simple clause in your will and ways you can immediately start preserving some of what you have. Download for $9 .

“Researching Female US Ancestors”

Successfully researching female ancestors in the United States requires a slightly different approach from researching males. In this presentation we’ll discuss an overview of how laws and the legal system create research challenges for female ancestors and how those challenges can be overcome. Discussion will be via several examples and an overall strategy. Handout included.Download is $8 .

“Planning A Library Research Trip”

There’s more to planning a research trip to a library (or a courthouse or archives) than getting in the car and going. We will look at what you should do before you ever leave home to make the most of your time doing research a distance from your residence. We will discuss research planning and organization, scheduling yourself, problem-solving, effective organizational techniques that don’t waste research time, efficient ways to make images, and more. Handout included- download for $9.

“Charts, Charts, and More Charts”

This presentation will discuss the creation of customized charts  ira-discrepancy-chartto assist in solving specific genealogical problems. Included will be a discussion of determining what information is needed in the chart, how the information is to be sorted and used, dta entry concerns, accuracy of transcriptions, and more. Focus will be on assisting attendees in developing their own personal portfolio of charts and forms for personal use. Handout included. Download for $9





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