I’ve tried to be very careful in my blog posts on the family of Benjamin Butler to […]
Give yourself or that genealogist on your holiday list the gift of Genealogy Tip of the […]
It took me quite a while to figure out what this word was on John Lake’s […]
I’ve stripped the identifying details because these individuals were alive during my lifetime. The thought process […]
Irish research isn’t easy, but knowing what is available and having a plan can help. That’s […]
The screen above is one of the results from a search for  “Freund” as a last […]
Sounds matter more than spelling. Consider a name as potentially being a match to your person […]
It took me years to locate a signature of John Michael Trautvetter who died in Hancock […]
I’m reading “They Were Her Property” by Stephanie Jones-Rogers. The 2019 release by Yale University Press […]
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