This letter comprises the “consents” on an 1839 marriage in Mercer County, Kentucky, between Edmund Beesly […]
Years ago, I wrote a piece entitled “Cleaning Mother’s House.” The fictionalized piece was created from […]
There are those who say that one should never admit that they were once ignorant. I […]
I accompanied my daughter to an antique mall over the holiday season so she could pick […]
It’s advertising. Plain and simple. The ethnicity estimates are a way for AncestryDNA to market their tests.  It’s […]
I’ve written about the Neills and Murphys before, but we will revisit them in the context […]
One of the necessary items of citing genealogical sources is what copy of a document was […]
My youngest daughter married her long-time boyfriend shortly before Christmas. As part of a personal gift […]
Sometimes a wiggle is just a wiggle. Entry 101 in the image accompanying this post was […]
In an earlier blog post, we mentioned lines above consonants being used as a short hand […]
How I wish the 1910 census had been microfilmed in color. If so, these abbreviations might […]
Sometimes it’s good to be exceptional and sometimes it’s good to be average. Exceptional scores are […]
I posted this to my twitter account, but am posting it here as well as I […]
I only know who one of the people in this photo is. The young lady on […]
It has been a while since I posted an handwriting sample for interpretation. I know what […]
Genealogy Tip of the Day (one of our sister blogs) was started ten years ago on […]
Blogging about it must have gotten me put back in two circles at AncestryDNA. My list […]
For some time I was in 20 DNA circles at AncestryDNA. Today I am down to […]
Sometimes statements are clear at the time they are made because there’s unstated context that those […]
Error messages at can be frustrating. We’ve added a little editorial comment to this one. Hopefully […]
I’m a big fan of tracking not only what genealogical sources have been used, but also […]
Sometimes one-liners in the newspaper can be bigger clues than you think: W[m?] C. F. Mulch […]
  Visit: Type in the name of a location in the “find a place” box and […]
Understanding searches is crucial to troubleshooting them. I’m not always certain I understand how FamilySearch distinguishes strong […]
Based upon suggestions from readers, we’ve put together this session on DNAPainter and GedMatch combined. Using […]
The unexpected treasures in military pension files can be worth the time it takes to find […]
Genealogy Tip of the Day Book
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