Based upon suggestions from readers, we’ve put together this session on DNAPainter and GedMatch combined. Using just one tool is not an effective way to analyze your DNA matches.

Date: This session has been held and recorded.

  • order for immediate download for $17.99–presentation and PDF handout included
  • if you ordered early and did not receive download-email me (tell me the email used for payment) and I’ll send the download link.

From GedMatch, we’ll use:

  • one-to-many matches
  • one-to-one compare
  • matching segment search

DNAPainter’s mapping tool will be also be utilized. DNAPainter tells you when a new painted match has shared DNA with other matches you’ve already painted. We’ll be using that feature of the site.

We will look at:

  • organizing your analysis and process
  • documenting your thought process and conclusions for later review
  • tracking shared matches
  • assigning segments to ancestors and couples
  • specific examples–including one where the grandfather of the testee was unknown

What you should already know or have done:

  • Basics of DNA analysis–accuracy of predicted relationships, centimorgans and segments, why you don’t have DNA from every one of your ancestors, why third cousins may not share DNA, why siblings don’t have the same DNA, why predicted cousin relationships are estimates, etc.
  • Experimented with DNAPainter–at least painted a few matches.
  • Also recommended that you’ve already uploaded you DNA data to GedMatch–we won’t be discussing how to do that in this presentation.
  • Have already looked at your GedMatch results
  • Our previous webinars may be of help.





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