prizeThose who have made genealogy research trips to distant libraries may recognize themselves in this list. I’ve never actually given these awards while hosting a research trip to either Ft. Wayne or Salt Lake, but they were jokingly used in a speech several years ago.

Stack Reader’s Award:

For the trip participant who insists on putting books back wherever they feel like it.

The Carpet Indent Award

Given to the trip participant who goes through two tons of books a day and causes permanent wheel indentations in the library floor due to their overloaded book cart.

The “I came this far for this” Award

Given to the trip participant who spends the most time using while at the library.

The What is a Call Number Award

Will be given to the trip participant who is heard asking for the “big gray book of maps.”

The I’ve Got a Big Right Arm Award

Will be given to the trip participant who rewinds the most microfilm during the trip.

The Speeding Ticket

Two separate awards. One for running around the library ten minutes before close trying to get that last bit of information.

The other will be given to the trip participant who is caught rewinding microfilm at speeds over seventy miles per hour.

Emailer Award

This will be given to the trip participant who sends Michael the most emails during the trip.

Potty Mouth Award

Will be given to the trip participant who uses colorful language in the library when they are unable to find their desired ancestor.

Selfie Award

Will be given to the trip participant who posts the most selfies on social media of themselves standing in front of microfilm cabinets. (Thanks to Kerry S. for this suggestion).













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