I leave in a few days for my annual research trip to the Family History Library in Salt Lake. I’m excited about going with another group of researchers to the world’s largest genealogical library. I have a list of things to do and will hopefully have some updates to post while I’m at the library.

Most of my work there focuses on offline materials, generally microfilmed records that are not on the FamilySearch website. My colleague in Massachusetts has given me some ideas on approaches to take with an Andrew Trask born there around 1814 and I’m hoping something pans out. There are other families I would like to work on but where the library doesn’t have microfilmed materials. Those people will have to wait.

I’ll be taking the California Zephyr from Illinois to Utah and will have sporadic internet while I’m in parts of Nebraska, Colorado, and Utah. The train passes through the Iowa county where my elusive Ira Sargent lived for a while in the 1860-1880 time frame and where the family of his first wife, Ellen Butler, lived as well. I won’t be asking for the train to stop so that I can take pictures.

Years ago, I used to make large quantities of paper copies while at the library. Today my copies are digital images–either as scans or as photographs. It’s faster, easier, and usually results in a much better image of the item in question. Hopefully we’ll have some discoveries to post about here on the blog. Taking the train to Utah gives me time to finish my reviewing and planning.

For those who need an email response to something, responses may be delayed from Monday (16 May) until I arrive in Utah. Thanks for your patience.







3 Responses

  1. Hope you get to eat at the Red Iguana and Mazza’s – my favorite places back when I visited in SLC!
    Good luck discovering new information!

  2. I’ll miss having a week in the library, but school timing didn’t work out for me this year. We are going to a family reunion on my husband’s side in Michigan soon, armed with some family Bibles recently discovered among his father’s effects. It’s going to be exciting! I hope you break a few brick walls on your trip!

    • Thanks, Deb! We (I) made a few discoveries on this trip–nothing great, but a few surprises. That’s better than nothing and, after we’ve researched for sometime it’s hard to make big discoveries every day.

      You were lucky to find that Bible.

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