Month: November 2018

Not Sharing DNA with My Cousin Doesn’t Mean the Connection is Not There

Working with the DNA of the relatives the researcher “knows all about” can increase their analytical skills so they are better able to work with the families about which they know less. After connecting on FamilyTreeDNA, I located a descendant (called LR for this discussion) of my 5th great-grandfather, Harm Oltmans Roben (died in 1819) […]


DNA Matches That Don’t Match My Ancestor’s Brother’s Family Don’t Have to Be Related to his Wife

I’ve been working on DNA matches at AncestryDNA in an attempt to make discoveries and validate connections on the family of my Irish immigrant ancestors, Samuel and Anne (Murphy) Neill. The natives of Ireland are believed to have been from different parts of Ireland who married in New Brunswick, Canada, in 1864. Samuel had one brother, […]


My DNA Is In the Boot

I can’t decide if I like the ads for AncestryDNA with Kelly Ripa or not. My DNA results don’t pinpoint my origins with the precision that Ripa’s apparently did–that’s not a big surprise. That doesn’t really bother me either–advertising is what it is and there are ways to avoid Facebook and television advertisements. I didn’t take […]
