The search results for Ger* Miller in FamilySearch.org‘s “Illinois, County Naturalization Records, 1800-1998” lists several entries. The ones from Adams County, Illinois, were of particular interest.
But the year given is referred to as an immigration year. They are not. While some declarations of intention do provide a year of arrival in the United States, most naturalizations during this time frame do not. These records are not immigration records. They are records that were created during the naturalization process. The 1853 “immigration” document was actually a declaration of intention filed in that year. The 1855 “immigration” document was actually a naturalization.
I’m still trying to determine if these are for the same Gerhard Miller. At least the declaration of intention is before the naturalization. But these are not records of immigration for the year stated.
I just wish they were labeled correctly in FamilySearch.
As always, index databases are finding aids. Always look at the actual document. In the case of these records, it’s also suggested that the user browse the images to determine what volume the item came from. Otherwise it’s just a document served up on your screen.
Access to digital images at home with free indexes are great and I’m thankful for FamilySearch for providing this service. But the user still needs to make certain the index accurately reflects what is in the document.
One response
I recently came across a similar situation in FamilySearch. I found an ancestor who was serving aboard a ship in Cuba during the 1920 census. All the sailors were listed, but under the column — “Give Rank of Officer or Enlisted Man.” Some of the sailors were listed as “A.S.,” which I believe was short for “Assistant Seaman.” However, FamilySearch interpreted this as “adopted son.”