For a variety of reasons, my posts here have withered away to few and far between on this blog.

I’m contemplating bringing this blog back much like it was before with perhaps a few more informal and conversational posts related to genealogy and my research. If you’d like to see it return, please let me know either in the comments or via email. I’m also open to suggestions in regards to what you’d like to see. I am still doing Genealogy Tip of the Day daily–although occasionally those posts get bunched up. I’m also working on the second (and final) Genealogy Tip of the Day book.

I’m just about done on a series of webinars, which included ones on Creating Children’s Stories from Genealogy Records, Funeral Home Records, and 10 Questions Before they Pass.

If you’ve been on one of my research trips, I’m planning them for 2024 in Salt Lake and Ft. Wayne and am contemplating a trip to the Library of Virginia in Richmond as well–let me know if you are interested in one of those.

I’m still sifting through the papers and items from my parents’ home and hopefully will have some interesting blog posts regarding those items. Don’t neglect organizing and digitizing your own materials before it is too late.

Stay tuned! There’s hopefully more here to come.




14 Responses

  1. Your blogs are interesting and useful. Everyone’s family history has various and different twists and quirks, but reading about your genealogical searches and ramblings sometimes triggers a new idea that I can adapt to my projects. As the saying goes, we don’t know what we don’t know so it’s great to read about ways others have opened doors.

  2. Michael, I have always enjoyed your blogs and tips of the day. They are often reminders to check the little things that I sometimes overlook. I have been following your since for awhile dating back before to came to Ontario, Canada to present at the Ontario Genealogical Society Conference.

  3. I have always enjoyed your blog and tips of the day. There has been times I have jotted down things that you have written because I could use it in my research.

  4. I too always enjoy your blogs as they have thoughts and suggestions that hadn’t occurred to me, or are seen from a different perspective. Also, I love your Tips For The Day posts.

    Please, if you can, continue the blog posts as well. Most of my research is UK based, but the posts are still relevant for me.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and insights with us all.

  5. Michael, I have just discovered your work through the Boston University Genealogical Principles class. Thank you for all the helpful posts and case studies you have written so far, and I encourage you to continue. I’d also be interested in a research trip to the Library of Virginia in 2024. I’m trying to help a friend find the parents of his great-grandfather, who was born in Pittsylvania County with a common surname (Shelton) in 1840 and then disappeared until he shows up in the Montgomery County (VA) census as a farm laborer in 1860. Because my friend has no Y-DNA that can be traced back to a male Shelton, it appears that his great-grandfather’s parents were not married to each other and any connection to the Sheltons was probably through his mother. To help break through the brick wall, I would like to search for bastardy and other Chancery Court records, which are now kept at the LVA. I can do some of it online, but would like to try searching in person.

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