We are excited to offer a new class on probate research in the United States cleverly titled “United States Probate Research.” This class will have four lecture downloads and four discussion sessions. Content is detailed below. The discussion dates and times will be:

  • 8 May 2016–8 pm central
  • 15 May 2016–8 pm central
  • 22 May 2016–8 pm centralbarbara-haase2
  • 29 May 2016–8 pm central

Registration is limited–so don’t delay. Discussion will be via GotoWebinar and these sessions will be recorded as well for those who can’t attend live or have connection issues. Lecture downloads and handouts will be uploaded to our site several days before the discussion sessions. We have class members who for one reason or another never attend “live.”

Registrations can be processed here.


  1. Overview of the probate process. This session will include a generalization of the probate process across the United States focusing on differences that are significant to genealogical researchers.
  2. Organization, location, and searching of records. This session will include a discussion of the typical organizational structure and location of probate records. Also included will be a discussion of manual search processes and organization of materials once they have been located. Organization will include ways to organize digital images and copies of records in a way that makes logical sense and facilitates documentation.
  3. Interpretation and use of state statutes. This session will discuss the interpretation of located probate materials, deciding further research, and the location and use of applicable contemporary state statute in problem solving.
  4. Extended examples. This session will look at three extended examples–one from Virginia in the early 19th century, one from Illinois in the very early 20th century, and one from Ohio in the early 19th century.

We’d love to have you join us.

Register here.





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