By popular demand, we’re bringing this course back….

(if you enrolled in a previous section and had later difficulties, email me to be put in this section of the course at no charge)


With Michael John Neill

(scroll down for specific schedule)

Organizing information is an important part of genealogical research-perhaps more important than the actual research. This short course (only 3 sessions) is intended to provide the students with exposure to a variety of ways to organize information with an emphasis on problem-solving. The course will consist of four lectures (topics and schedule below), problem assignments, virtual follow-up discussions, group discussion board interaction, and student submission of work (optional). There is no assigned grade-you get from this what you put into it. Students will also be able to share their work and ideas with other students.

Citation of sources is important, but presentations will not focus on citation theory.

This time the course will be presented a little bit differently. Students will be able to download the lecture and view it at their convenience-ideally all on the same day that the download link is sent to registered students.

Students will have a week to view the presentation, discuss or ask questions on the bulletin board and submit optional homework before the class discussion via GotoWebinar.

Course registration is only $30 for this run of the course. Class size is limited to 30 to encourage group interaction.

  • Assignment/Study 1Charts, Charts, and More Charts (we will discuss a variety of charts and table to organize your information and your searches-all students work on same problem
  • Assignment/Study 24 Step Research Process (we will discuss a four-step process to research organization)-pick your own problem
  • Assignment/Study 3– Constructing Families from pre-1850 Census (discuss of how to ascertain family structure from pre-1850 US census records)-all work on same problem

Register here

Discussions are at:

  • 24 July  1:30-2:30 pm.Central Time
  • 31 July 1:30-2:30 pm. Central Time
  • 1 August 1:30-2:30 pm.Central Time

Lectures posted a week before discussion.





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Genealogy Tip of the Day Book