There were no big discoveries made while I was in Salt Lake City at the Family History Library. However, I did make some minor discoveries that hopefully will make for interesting blog posts as we continue through 2016:

  • A 12 year old who is a sponsor on a christening.
  • A couple from Campbell County, Kentucky, who take their deed across the river to Cincinnati, Ohio, to have the mayor act as their notary public on the acknowledgment.
  • A 1865 deed from Kentucky where a couple splits their real and personal property while not getting divorced.
  • The 1921 inquest into my uncle’s death in a Kansas City, Missouri, hotel.
  • A 1870-era deed in Illinois where a husband and wife apparently sell their home to their barely twenty-year old daughter.
  • Clues in the potential parentage of Andrew Trask, born about 1814 in Boston.

And maybe something else I’ve already forgotten about.

Other than the 1921 death in Kansas City, none of the discoveries is overly dramatic, but just about any record can tell us at least part of a story. There may be a few other stories lurking in things I copied that I don’t even realize are stories.

Sometimes those are the best ones.

Stay tuned.




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