The final accounting for the estate of Thomas Rampley was located in the estate records of Coshocton County, Ohio. The final accounting was not submitted until the March 1829 term of the Court of Common Pleas. Between the sale in 1824 (where his wife purchased property) and the final accounting in 1829 administrator James Shores made annual petitions for “one more year” to finish things up. His requests were approved but no mention is made of any rationale for the delay. There is no date shown for the sale of chattel items in the final settlement of Thomas’ estate. All that is shown in the report is the total amount received from the sale ($262.74) and that the information is on “file” in the clerk’s office. Looking for the date in the final accounting was a valid approach, it just did not work in this case.

Images in this post were made from the digital images of the records at as a part of their  “Ohio, Wills and Probate Records, 1786-1998” database. A part of the citation process was determining the title of the record volume in which the original materials were located. I do not like to cite‘s image number unless it is completely un

A screen shot of the navigational page for the “title page” image of the record book from which these materials were taken.

avoidable. Navigating backwards through the images located the cover of the record book. The volume title on the spine of the book was not quite what indicated it was.

The title from the actual spine of the book was used in the crude citation that appears as a part of the first image in this post. The “title” assigned to the record book was not used. was cited as the publisher of the material as that is where the images were located.

A thorough view of the payments of the estate located a few other interesting items about the estate sale.

We will mention those in a future post.




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