I’m contacting my AncestryDNA matches Here’s what I ended up saying:

You and I are DNA matches here on AncestryDNA. I’m trying to determine if possible how we are related and I am wondering if you could help me.

Based on our shared matches, I think you and I are connected through Samuel and Anne (Murphy) Neill. They were born in Ireland and lived most of their life in Illinois on a farm near West Point—in Hancock County. Anne died in the 1890s and Samuel died in 1912. They are buried in the West Point Cemetery—which is where most of their children are also buried. They are my great-great-grandparents and had eight children. Their son, Charlie was my great-grandpa. My grandpa was Cecil Neill who grew up near Stillwell, but lived most of his life on a farm north of Carthage—also in Hancock County.

My email is mjnrootdig@gmail.com if you find it easier to contact me outside the messaging system.

If you’re short on time, a really quick reply is great and I’ll know the message went through.


In a later post we’ll discuss how I searched these matches out.  Keeping track of when I made contact and with whom is important. AncestryDNA keeps the messages, but I really need a spreadsheet so that I know who I contacted and when without looking at each match individually.

Hopefully I will have some responses to write about. Stay tuned.




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