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I maintain the following genealogy blogs:

  • Rootdig.comMichael’s thoughts, research problems, suggestions, and whatever else crosses his desk
  • Genealogy Tip of the Dayone genealogy research tip every day–short and to the point
  • Genealogy Search Tipwebsites I’ve discovered and the occasional online research tip–short and to the point?

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One response

  1. I enjoy your blog and it does give me many ideas for my own research!

    I know this is off the subject but have you had anyone say the printing on Ancestry had changed? I print a lot of pages connected with my family lines. it seems like in the last year, even when you enlarge before you print, it still looks scrunched up on the page and there are very large margins.
    I think I sent two different questions about it to Ancestry but just get a form letter back telling me how to print. I’m not doing anything different and I have the same printer I’ve had for about 3 years.

    Thanks for listening!

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