Riley is sitting on my lap as I review some recent discoveries. His advice is related to taking appropriate breaks, not losing your leash, and remembering boundaries (his are limited to the limits of our yard,  but there’s a point there as well).

Just a few quick reminders from me–apparently I need them as much as anyone else:

  • discoveries can always be made no matter how long you’ve researched an ancestor
  • no matter how completely you think you have researched someone there could still be something “new” out there
  • many of the “tree compilers” on various websites only use what is on other trees–they never get beyond the trees
  • a record on your relative could be filed in a repository thousands of miles from where they lived
  • your DNA matches may not be nearly as interested in research as you are–and that’s fine
  • nurture relationships with other researchers who are as interested as you are–you will be glad you did some day. Loyal genealogy friends can come in handy for a variety of reasons.



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Genealogy Tip of the Day Book