The unnamed step-daughter of Emmar (Sargent) Pollard in Ashland, Nebraska, was older than Emmar and was dead by the time Emmar made out her statement in 1918.

Emmar and James Pollard separated sometime after their arrival in Nebraska and Emmar divorced him. She accused Pollard of not providing for her after their arrival in Nebraska. She remained in Ashland for a time and moved to Lincoln Nebraska.

Where she met Robert Ross. Ross was her second husband and “the best one she ever had.” Close to Emmar in age, Ross was a stone mason. While coming home from working on the state penitentiary in Lincoln, he got into a saloon fight and was arrested.

The officers “let him get away” and that was the last she saw of Ross. She divorced him.

She did have a child with Ross that died at the age of six months.

Emmar nearly forgets that she was then married to Joseph Oades in Lincoln, Nebraska. They were married at the house of Dr. French and lived together three months. Oades accused Emmar of having a relationship with James Pollard while Emmar and Oades were married.

Oades and Emmar were divorced. Emmar does not mention James Pollard again in this deposition.

Emmar then married David Snavely. The time frame is not quite clear, but she suggests that this marriage was about five or six years after her marriage to Ross ended.

There’s more. It is easy for an eighty-year old to forget and apparently Emma did.





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