Loose ends in genealogy research are a dime a dozen. The problem is that sometimes it takes more than a dozen dimes to pay for tying them up. There were two George Trautvetters from Hancock County, Illinois, who served in the Civil War. There was George A. who served in Company H of the 49th Illinois and George who served in Company H, 15th Missouri Infantry. The Georges were born German natives and immigrated with their parents to the United States in the 1840s-1850s and eventually settled in the western portion of Hancock County, Illinois. George A. deserted his unit but survived to marry and leave descendants. George left no descendants and likely died in the 1860s (but not in the war itself).

We’ve written before about George’s appeal of his desertion charge:

But reviewing what I wrote about the desertion charge reminded me of several loose ends on George A., particularly related to his desertion. I have the appeal George A. filed to his desertion charges. I know the other men who apparently deserted with him did not receive military pensions, but did they appeal their desertion charges as well? If they did appeal is Trautvetter mentioned? Are there any clues in any appeals they filed?

Good questions. We’re working on getting answers. No one deserts in a vacuum.

We’re having Jonathan Deiss of www.soldiersource.com perform our work at the National Archives. Stay tuned.




One response

  1. Reading this post reminds me that often one’s ancestor may be mentioned in unexpected places. An old revolutionary war soldier, seeking his pension from the government, mentioned the battles he was in and told of the death of my ancestor. A descendant of this old soldier posted about the death on a message board and that led me to the information.

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