This is a page that appears before a microfilmed copy of declarations of intent for Hamilton County, Ohio between 1848-1851 (Family History Library film 1415117). A big clue that something was different about these records would be the consistent handwriting from one page to the next and the fact that every signature was the same.

This might explain why I am having trouble finding the arrival of Peter Bigger on a date that matches the one on his declaration of intent that appears on this roll of microfilm.

Read those introductions–you might realize you’ve overlooked something.




2 Responses

  1. Marriage records for Hamilton County, Ohio suffered the same fate as the naturalization records. My ancestors, who were living in Dearborn County, Indiana, married in Hamilton County, Ohio in 1850. I realized that the handwriting was the same for all the marriage records. It seems that a riot took place destroying the originals. Fortunately, I found their marriage in the St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Records, FHL #1548,046.

    • You are exactly correct about the marriage records.

      I have an ancestral couple that was married there in 1849 and fortunately the records of that church are extant as well–but it wasn’t St. Matthaeus.

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