I stumbled upon this item while searchingvirginia-lottery digital newspapers on the Library of Virginia website. The school funding concept struck my interest.

There actually is a genealogy connection to the item as it references an extended member of the Tinsley family–Thomas Tinsley.

The school was to be built in Hanover County, Virginia. The men listed may not have all been Hanover County residents and one should not conclude that just because the school was in Hanover County that all the individuals listed lived in that location.

The men probably were members of the same social circle  and may interacted with each other in documents and records besides this one. Courthouse records are not the only place where one can find a listing of ancestral associates.

Some members of the Pendleton and Tinsley families were related. I’m not certain if that is the case with the John Pendleton and Thomas Tinsley listed here or not.




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