The image is of an 1831 tax list for Jackson Township, Coshocton County, Ohio. I’m working on creating a list of just what all the columns are for.

This set of “answers” will be updated as needed. Feel free to post comments.

  • 1-Owner Name
  • 2-R[ange]
  • 3-T[ownship]
  • 4-
  • 5-
  • 6- portion of section/lot?
  • 7-No. of Acres
  • 8-Value
  • 9-dollars
  • 10-cents
  • 11-
  • 12-dollars
  • 13-cents
  • 14-
  • 15-dollars
  • 16-cents
  • 17-
  • 18-dollars
  • 19-cents
  • 20-
  • 21-dollars
  • 23-cents
  • 24-
  • 25-dollars
  • 26-cents
  • 27-No. of Horses
  • 28-Value
  • 29-No. of Cattle
  • 30-Value
  • 31-
  • 32-Dollars
  • 33-Cents
  • 34-
  • 35-Dollars
  • 36-Cents
  • 37-
  • 38-Dollars
  • 39-Cents
  • 40
  • 41-Dollars
  • 42-Cents
  • 43-
  • 44-Dollars
  • 45-Cents
  • 46-
  • 47-Dollars
  • 48-Cents
  • 49-
  • 50-
  • 51-
  • 52-
  • A-
  • B-Co[unty] Tax
  • C-School
  • D-
  • E-
  • F-Total Land Tax
  • G-
  • H-Co[unty] Tax
  • I-
  • J-
  • K-Total Chatt[el] Tax
  • L-Grand Total Tax
  • M-



5 Responses

  1. The columns next to “cents” I think are hundreths. I have been working on Ohio tax lists and often there is 1/2 or 3/4 written in those columns. Column 24 & 25 should be dollar and cents, and 26 is the hundreths.

    As for columns 4 & 5, I’m not sure what they refer to. I was working in Ross Co, a part that was part of the Virginia Military Tract. I tried finding Ohio laws for the time period but I didn’t have any luck with a quick search. If you find one, please let us know!

    • Thanks, Lisa. I’ll make the change. I’m still looking for reference, but like you I have had no luck.

  2. I have been working in Ohio tax records. Part of Ross Co was in the Virginia Military District. I believe the column next to cents is 100th cent. I saw columns that listed 1/2 or 3/4 in them. On your 24, 25, 26, you have the headings off by one. 24 should be dollars. And you’re missing column 22. I don’t know what columns 4 & 5 are either. I tried to find an Ohio tax book but didn’t have luck on the internet.

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