We are excited to offer this new class on using US census records. Virtually every US genealogist uses census records, but not everyone is aware of how those records can be maximized for what they do contain. There are limitations to these records, but there are advantages to them as well. If you’ve wondered if you are getting the most out of US census records, this class is for you.


This three-week session will look at US census records from 1850 through 1940. Topics discussed will include:

  • enumerator instructions and how information “got in the census”
  • organization of original records
  • working with family structure in 1850-1870 records
  • correlating a family’s census records over time
  • evaluating accuracy of census records
  • determining other records suggested by a family’s enumerations
  • crafting census citations

We will not discuss online census search techniques or database query techniques. Our approach is laid-back, down-to-earth, and informal while providing accurate information and analysis.


  • 4, 11, and 18 February (Mondays) from 8-9 pm central time
  • attendees who miss live session can view presentation later
  • handout included





2 Responses

  1. I registered and paid for this class and would like an email telling me how to access the online sessions. Thank you.

    • Thanks for your note. The emails are going out later this afternoon (31 January). If you don’t have it by the morning of 1 Feb., please email me at the address on your receipt.

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