
Citations are not something I complete when I’m at the Family History Library. I know that I should, but I don’t. However, I have completed enough citations that I know what I need to craft one that is correct (or reasonably correct). Collecting that information is crucial as the research is being done.

I looked to Evidence Explained for some guidance in completing the citation for this emigration document for Bertus Grass from Ostfriesland, Germany, in the 1870s.

Reference Note:

Ostfriesland, Hannover, Auswanderungskonsenses [Citizenship renunciations], 1868-1913 G, No. 1955 [upper left], p. 59 [stamped upper right], Bertus Grass; Staatsarchiv [State Archives],  Aurich, Germany; FHL microfilm 1257600.

I was glad that I had included the roll number as a part of the file name–there were two rolls of film that included the letter G.


I also included as an image the “targets” that were a part of the microfilm. Those are also helpful in crafting the citation when I get home. emigrate-target

Theoretically I should create my citations as I’m researching at the library. Theoretically.





4 Responses

    • I’d say it’s a little of both. My suggestion to people on trips is always to keep enough detail so that a citation could be made later. I’ve never suggested to create complete citations while on a research trip 😉

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