Month: December 2018

DNA Analysis Is…

I posted this to my twitter account, but am posting it here as well as I think it’s pretty true for the most part: DNA analysis is probability, statistics, set theory, logic, and biology. Refuse to learn any of those and you might as well analyze the pattern in your tea leaves. You don’t have […]


Back to Twenty DNA Circles at AncestryDNA

Blogging about it must have gotten me put back in two circles at AncestryDNA. My list is now up to 20: Hinrich Jansen Ufkes (1797-1873) and Trientje Eielts Post (1803-1878) Christianna DeMoss Rampley (died after 1830) Johann Luken Jurgens Goldenstein (1814-1891) and Tjode Anna Focken Tammen (1824-1882) Hinrich Jacobs Fecht (1823-1912) and Maria Gerdes Wilken […]


A Funny

Error messages at can be frustrating. We’ve added a little editorial comment to this one. Hopefully you’ll get a chuckle out of this as it was the intent. Sometimes when things don’t go right a little laughter helps. It lowers the chance I throw something at the screen. Happy researching!
