We are excited to announce three new webinars. Register to reserve your spot. Registrants who cannot attend live will receive a complimentary copy of the recorded presentation. Prices for download after the presentation is over will be slightly higher. bookforbarbara

Determining if Your Soldier with Pre-1866 Military Service Received a Pension or Benefit

Offered on 3 November 2015 at 8:00 pm central time.

This hour-long session will discuss sources and methods for determining if your ancestor who served in the US military in the Civil War or before qualified for a military pension or bounty land. This will include a discussion of widow’s and children’s pensions and benefits. There are a variety of finding aids and sources for determining if your ancestor (or his widow) received a pension or other benefit. Once you’ve determined that your ancestor received a benefit, records at the National Archives may provide significantly more information on your ancestor.

Register here for $8.

Using Passenger Lists at FamilySearch

Offered on 4 November 2015 at 8:00 pm central time.

The vast majority of United States passenger lists are available for free on FamilySearch. In this session, we will look at determining what lists are on FamilySearch and effective strategies to search and navigate the site in the best way possible. Also discussed will be the development of search parameter templates in order to assist with problem solving and search refinement.

Register here for $8.

Using US Probate Records on FamilySearch

Offered on 5 November 2015 at 8:00 pm central time.

This session will discuss how to determining what probate records for the United States FamilySearch has online, how to navigate and search those records, and the elements of record analysis. Most of the probate materials for the United States online at FamilySearch are unindexed and an effective search strategy needs to be keep that in mind. Researchers can’t simply type a name in a box and find these records.

Register here for $8.


Register for all three sessions for $21.




2 Responses

  1. I am unable to connect with the webinar for Tues, Nov. 3 on Pre-1866 Military Service Pension or Benefit. I have paid thru Paypal for the 3 webinars Nov, 3-5.Could you please tell me how to get these webinars? Thanks

    • If you didn’t connect in live and didn’t get the download link for the military benefit presentation, please email me (mjnrootdig@gmail.com) and I’ll send you a link for the download. The link went out, but it probably went to the email used on the PayPal account.

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