James Clagg to John Sledd, bond, 25 February 1807, James Clagg vs. John Sledd Jr., Bedford County, Virginia, Chancery Court; digital image, Library of Virginia, Virginia Memory Collection (Chancery Records), referenced as Bedford County Index Number 1827-013; downloaded 19 June 2018.

On 25 February 1807 James Clagg made out a “bond” indicating that he owed John Sledd 8 pounds, 11 shillings, and 4 pence. The debt had been accruing interest since 1799. At the time Clagg lived in Bedford County, Virginia, and Sledd was a resident of Amherst County. William Tinsley witnessed the signature of Clagg.

Tinsley also witnessed the signature of Amy Sledd of the same date where she assigned the bond to Basdel Sledd “for value received.”

Amy Sled is not named on the bond. Her relationship to John is not indicated. Basdel’s relationship to the other Sledds in the document is also not stated.

It was atypical for a woman to assign a debt in 1807.

The drama over this debt was just getting started in 1807.

[stay tuned]




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