As the results from another DNA test comes in at AncestryDNA , I have four immediate wishes:

  • the ability to download my matches as a spreadsheet–at least some of the data
  • a chromosome browser
  • more than one color to star the matches
  • another “star” or something that I could use to indicate when I’ve “figured” the match out

This would really facilitate working with my matches.

Others probably have slightly different wishes. Feel free to add yours in the comments.





6 Responses

  1. I like all of yours.

    In 1) – the ability to download chromosome segments of matches, not just name and cM and number of segments.

    They are really the elephant in the DNA room, but don’t move very fast!

    Cheers — Randy

  2. Yes!! Some way to identify those I’ve placed, those that are NOT my relatives, and those I’ve contacted already to no avail. I’m looking at the 4th and beyond hoping to break a brick wall. Scrolling, scrolling, scrolling through the ones I’ve sorted already. Now I click the star. At least that way I know I’ve been there. I can look at the note I made for them if I want to refresh my memory. But please! Some way to sort them!

  3. I use the DNAGedcom Client tool to download my matches from Ancestry to a spreadsheet and then clean it up to give what I need. It provides the basic information about matches (name, predicted relationship, shared cM’s – no segment information) along with any notes you have added and their tree url. This is not a free tool but is worth the money if this is information you need in a handy form. I am having trouble downloading the ancestor and icw spreadsheets so I just use the matches spreadsheet.

  4. I use the Note field and particularly the first few characters of the first line as a type of Index device.
    Because this Note field displays incompletely on the match screen, that type of info is readily visible.

    So, my entry might be the lineage already identified, or a date of attempted message contect. Any such use that aids me.

    BTW, I use many of the regular fileds in the common ANcestry tree system to allow notes to be instantly visible.

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