There are many clues in this “private act” by the Illinois General Assembly to “restore William Kile to citizenship” that was passed in March of 1867.

It references his criminal act and May 1859 conviction in Mercer County, Illinois. He was pardoned by the Illinois governor and later served in an Iowa unit in the American Civil War.

The act restored Kile to “all the rights and privileges of a citizen of the state of Illinois, the same as if he had never been convicted of any such crime.”

There are a variety of records suggested by this Act:

  • Kile’s criminal conviction in Mercer County
  • Kile’s pardon by the Illinois governor
  • Kile’s military service
  • Kile’s military pension–if he received one
  • Kile’s petition to have this Act passed.

And I need to see what rights (other than voting and perhaps holding political office) Kile received when his rights as a citizen of the State of Illinois were reinstated.




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