Not much to say other than what’s new about the 1850 and 1860 census at Ancestry.com?
They’ve been on the site for years–complete images and complete index.
What’s really new? Is it something new enough that I should search again for that Benjamin Butler that I cannot find? Do I need to repeat all those searches I did for him with all those different search options?
Were the images enhanced with no change to the index?
There’s just no way of knowing what’s different about it. That doesn’t help me to know whether I should revisit it for my missing people or not.
4 Responses
I agree – they do this with UK censuses as well, but as with the US ones, it’s never clear WHAT has been updated. Quite frustrating. I tend to assume they’re adding corrections that members (including me) have submitted that have been verified. But some kind of info sure would be nice!
I agree with you. We lost out 36 year old daughter and when I went to FindAGrave to create a memorial for her. To my surprise one was already there. I was shocked to see it. I cried for 3 days straight that someone would be so cruel to do this. I wrote to him and said how surprised I was to see my daughter’s name in print so soon after her funeral. He wrote me back and thanked me. He thought it was so kind of me to say that. Never offered to transfer her memorial to me. I had to ask twice. I made up my mind right then I created my husband and mine. GRRRR.
Norma J. Brant Schenk Miller
If you click on the record set, scroll down to the very bottom of the description. It says “Update”, has the date, and what the update consists of.
There is an update, but that update frequently is not overly specific.