
The Widow and Her Genealogical Research–Humor

[this joke was published on our old site in 2015, but was so popular that I’m reposting it here] I’m not certain of the origin of this joke, but I’m paraphrasing it here. I’m fairly certain this joke first crossed my path at least ten years ago… ——————————————————– A widow had “discovered” genealogy and found […]


These Ancestors Cannot Be Displayed

A little attempt at humor. These Ancestors cannot be displayed The ancestors you are looking for are currently unavailable. They may be hiding in offline resources which will require you to contact repositories via more archaic methods. If they are dead, rest assured they are not creating more descendants. Please try the following: Click the […]


Humor: My Three Cousins

For those who don’t understand how cousins are counted…it’s easy. My uncle has three sons: the oldest one was my first cousin, the middle one was my second cousin, and the youngest one was my third cousin. Of course that’s not how first, second, and third cousins are determined. First cousins share a set of […]


An OCR Funny

This little gem was located when searching, but it can happen on any site that performs OCR searches. The word was in the hair. A search for “mimka” on located a “reference” in the hair of a photograph of a man that appeared in a 1966 issue of The Des Moines Register. After all, that was where […]


Citing Dreams, Visions, and Conjurings

When you’ve dreamed up a genealogical conclusion, you need to cite that dream. Here are some suggestions for citing dreams, visions, and conjurings. These can be modified to include interactions with zombies, tarot card readings, and leaves in the bottom of that cup of tea you had in the archives gift shop. We’ve decided to […]
