We all have gaps in our experience and education. The gaps are not the real problem. […]
If FamilySearch, Ancestry.com, or any other site has the actual image of a record on their […]
I’m not certain how much Michael Trautvetter paid for a piece of property he purchased in […]
I’m excited to be heading back to Burbank, California, this June to present at the annual […]
Sometimes it is tempting to say “I just want an answer to my question. I don’t […]
At one point in time, all of our ancestors were living, breathing humans. Sometimes in our […]
Note: This originally ran in the former Ancestry Daily News on 29 February 2000. This is a semi-serious […]
Microfilm and digital copies of records are wonderful in that they provide access to records to […]
I just finished my “Basics of Citation” webinar–I went over the allotted time and had good […]
27 January 2017 would have been my grandfather’s 100th birthday. His baptism on 18 February 1917 […]
“Now” is one of those words that can create minor confusion in legal documents. It means […]
Regular readers know that Trautvetter is one of my surnames of interest. While some readers may […]
Your ancestor lived in St. Louis, Missouri, from the 1850s through the 1880 census. That is […]
The Basics and Elements of Citation Registration ends at 9:00 am central on 27 January 2016. […]
Yesterday’s Genealogy Tip of the Day, “Remember Your Cousin in Santa Fe,”  was an extremely shortened version of genealogical […]
The image illustrating this post is part of the “cover” that wraps the original probate papers […]
In some families the spelling of the name generates much gnashing of teeth. It is that […]
There were two references to the death of Joseph Neill in a November 1906 issue of […]
New technology frequently causes problems as it did for Samuel Neill in 1920. An airplane flying […]
Like many genealogists with Irish immigrants, I don’t have a great deal of information on my […]
I wish there were a way to search for two names in a passenger list at […]
 I may be focusing on the wrong part of the chain in my attempts to find […]
The greater the distance, the easier it is to get places mixed up. The 1913 obituary […]
  We are excited to announce the release of the recording of this recent webinar. Setting […]
Using Unindexed Records at FamilySearch FamilySearch has a significant collection of online images that are not […]
No. You haven’t. Really. Seriously. You have not won the genealogy game because there is no […]
Genealogy Tip of the Day Book