Moving blog posts over to our new server has caused me to take a second look […]
The Quincy [Illinois] Daily Journal of 31 July 1921 contained an update on the Kansas City death of […]
The following database is showing as updated since our last posting:   Wisconsin, Marriages, 1836-1930  
I used the phrase “paper neighbors” on an old Genealogy Tip of the Day and have […]
We’ve had unexpected response to our offer, so we are running it again this weekend. From […]
It’s anecdotal, but illustrative nonetheless. The 1888 Chicago voter’s registration list for  Chicago resident Thomas Frame […]
A little humor in this post. Just when I think I’ve seen about every oddball transcription […]
A genealogist is usually sufficiently happy to find someone in a database once. Census records are one […]
There have been rumors that the “Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007″ at is a database “in progress.” An source […]
FamilySearch is showing the 1810 United States census as “updated.” United States Census, 1810   How […]
A recent posting about Johann Michael Trautvetter, 18th century resident of Wildprechtrode, Thuringen, Germany, referred to him as […]
There is really only one guy I’d like to find in the “Social Security Applications and […]
It does not matter how long it took me to find him. The fact that it […]
[republished from the old blog of 10 May 2015] It never dawned on me to think […]
[reposted from 2012] This is only part of a scan of the original bounty land warrant […]
There are several lessons in this document. It is the 1796 baptism for Johann Michael Trautvetter […]
FamilySearch has added the following database to their list of US databases:   United States, Index to […]
This was one of the items that I located when I was in Salt Lake City […]
The following database is showing as updated on FamilySearch since our last posting:   Massachusetts Marriages, 1841-1915 […]
My grandmother’s entry in the “Social Security Index (1935-2014)” at does not include her Social Security […]
From now through 11:59 p.m. 3 August 2015, a subscription to 52 issues of Casefile Clues […]
This image comes from the War of 1812 widow’s pension application for Sarah Brown, widow of […]
War of 1812 pension records from the National Archives are currently in the scanning process and […]
We’ve mentioned affidavits from land records before, but this one from 1942 is a real gem. […]
Since I’ve been playing with the “Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007″ at, I’ve been thinking about […]
Every week, I send out a blog update with a summary of postings to all my […]
Genealogy Tip of the Day Book